AvidLaw AZ Probate and AZ Guardians

Increase your profitability while minimizing non-billable time

Arizona Probate SoftwareWe at AvidLaw have found that attorneys like you are continually frustrated at how much time is wasted drafting what should be routine pleadings; in keeping forms for pleadings up to date, and especially in revising forms to match the circumstances of a particular case. That’s why we’ve created an Arizona probate system and an Arizona guardianship and conservatorship system that help you streamline your practice and improve your profitability.

AvidLaw Probateā„¢ is the perfect tool for your informal probate practice. Quickly draft over 60 Arizona informal probate documents, review the underlying law, and track important dates and deadlines.

AvidLaw Guardiansā„¢ is the perfect tool for your guardianship and conservatorship practice. Quickly draft over 80 Arizona guardianship and conservatorship documents, review the underlying law, and track important dates and deadlines.

Learn how attorneys across Arizona are saving hours per matter, increasing profitability while giving their clients faster, better service.

Learn more about AvidLaw Probate

Learn more about AvidLaw Guardians